IMO Tier 2 | |
EPA Tier 3 | |
RCD 2 |
Model | 4045SFM85 |
Number of cylinders | 4 |
Displacement-- L (cu in) | 4.5 (275) |
Bore and Stroke-- mm (in) | 107 x 127 (4.21 x 5.00) |
Engine Type | In-line, 4- Cycle |
Aspiration | Turbocharged and air-to-seawater aftercooled |
Length maximum - mm (in) | 1145 (45.1) |
Length to rear face of flywheel housing - mm (in) | 900 (35.4)\ |
Flywheel housing SAE | 2, 3 |
Height - mm (in) | 922 (36.2) |
Height, crankshaft centerline to top - mm (in) | 611 (24.0) |
Height, crankshaft centerline to bottom - mm (in) | 311 (12.2) |
Weight, (with oil, no coolant - includes engine, flywheel, and electronics) - kg (lb) | 558 (1230) |
Performance Rating | Power KW (bhp) Rated Speed (rpm) Rated fuel consumption L/hr(gal/hr) |
M4 | 205 (275) 2600 54 (14) |
M5 | 235 (315) 2800 62 (16) |
M4 - Typical load factor | >40% |
M4 - Typical annual usage (hr) | 1,000-3,000 hr |
M4 - Typical full-power operation (hr) | 1 of each 12 hr |
M5 - Typical load factor | <=35% |
M5 - Typical annual usage (hr) | 300-1,000 hr |
M5 - Typical full-power operation (hr) | 0.5 of each 8 hr |